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my fishing journey


Second time going fishing, this time going for tamban, which is a local term for a collective species of herrings. They are more active in the mornings around 7am or so. Only reached the jetty at around 10am but still managed to hook some. Felt like a fucking amateur with all the uncles around me hooking tambans left and right. One small ass fish got hooked which was preddy funny. The fish was really slimy and flopped around like fuck. Getting the hook is hard man or maybe I just suck.

Now re-reading teibou and early hina feels all too relatable, now consumed with the thought of going fishing next week. Planning on jigging for tamban again and then tying a double apollo rig/long snood bottom feeder rig and using the tamban as bait for other little larger fishies. Hope to catch some red snapper or whatever to bring home to cook. Also plan to buy a cooler and tongs for convenience.