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I'm trying my best

About - Projects - Archive

Sheeply Horned Witch Romi – Vol. 2 Ch. 14

Nero [07/03/2021]

Rewrites [07/03/2021]


Soooo the original senpai is rewriting the world in the manga club [which is a ultimately her soul, and in which their relationship can only exist, preserved into that room(?)] and he shat out another version of him to provide him with magic from slaying the avatars, which then found another version of sawada that has a consciousness……??? I’m as confused as you probably are but pocket sawada……look at it……it’s fucking beautiful……

The next raw chapter is out in about a month and the next translated chapter will be out in however long DarkStalls™ takes to typeset (`ω´)

Thanks to Soul, Stardust, DarkStalls and most importantly me