_____ _ _ |_ _|__(_) |__ ___ _ _ | |/ _ \ | '_ \ / _ \| | | | | | __/ | |_) | (_) | |_| | |_|\___|_|_.__/ \___/ \__,_|
I'm trying my best
Nero [10/03/2021]
Deserted Island Part 2 [09/03/2021]
Our teibous are as cute as always. Hope you enjoyed the chapter and that it was worth the wait. Hina kinda came full circle in her fishing journey, seeing how she almost got violated by a tako her first time meeting prez. Look at how much our little hina has grown (‘ω’)
Also if you’re interested in seeing the island in google earth, feel free to check out the previous post to see some comparisons.
Here are the fish that the teibos are targeting
horse mackerels (hina)
flounder (prez)
sea bass (natsumi)
red spotted grouper (oono)
a brief escape from pain (sayaka)
they’re just finding any reason to bury their face into oono’s chest (◔_◔) I’m not jealous or anything
I hope you take some time to appreciate some of the sfx in the chapter, they do take time but I do believe that they add to the story and atmosphere. So here are some cool sfx, thanks to Belt and DarkStalls™.
Also I said that I was going to buy the volumes to scan last month but I was a dummy and read the availability status wrongly or I could be holding the volumes in my hand now. I just ordered the 7 volumes which should be here next month which should work out nicely since there’s one more chapter for Volume 6 then we’ll scan and use the physicals for Volume 7 onwards and then redo the earlier volumes after we catch up. Sorry for the longer and longer time between each chapter released, life is pain and we’re all busy with school or work.
Thanks to Songbird, me, Belteshazzar and DarkStalls™ and see you next chapter.